Thursday, November 5, 2009

Hunting in heels Posted 10/9/08

Hunting in Heels
ya I wish I could hunt in heels but running up the hills and tromping through the fields leave little to be desirered of my oh so fashionable heels. Instead I wear my most fabulous pair of hunting boots ( yes I do have certain shoes for each occasion) boots are cute and can be very versitale but they are always always frumpy great big sole, heavy, and they sure dont make your feet look pretty!Morale of the story wear heels as much as possible they make your legs look longer and sexier and in the end make you look thinner

Weeding out the bad ones

Ok So as some of you know I moved recently (bought my First home) well my new home could almost fit in side my old one (but its consistenly one temp through the house so its worth it) so I had to do some downsizing, and that included my beloved shoes. I got rid of 1 huge ruber maid tote full of shoes. It didnt reallt bother me 2 much cause I didnt think they were anything I was gonna wear again, BOY Was I wrong!! I dscovered today that out of almost 100 pairs of shoes I HAVE NOTHING TO Wear. Damn me for getting rid of those, surely I had something that was wearable. Must BUY MORE.

Till then happy Shoe Shopping

ShoeAholic ;)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

RIP Little Jacob Hill

People often ask how could God take the life of a child? I have often asked the same question.

Little Jacob hill Drowned yesterday in a pond near his home. He was 4 years Old the same age as my little kaylie. when he was born he was premature, and for his short little life he had to be fed by a feeding tube and be on oxegyn. I am sure that he wa taken from this life and given another, one that he could be a normal 4 year old little boy and run and play and climb trees.

I cant imagine anything worse in this whole world than the loss of a child. I cant even pretend to understand what jacobs parents might be going through right now, I cant imagine the horror on cathys face when she saw her baby boys life less little body in that pond. I cant think what his sister must be feeling.

I can imagine however, that little boy playing like little boys do and eating his favorite lunch with a fork not a tube.

R I P little jacob you will be missed greatly